About Physique
The Physique name and brand has been one of the top leaders in the fitness industry for over 40 years. With 300 licensees in 39 states, Physique has continued to steadily gain global attention for its outstanding client transformations.
The Physique name and logo provides its gyms instant recognition and credibility associated with an internationally registered trademark and service mark symbolic with quality in the health and fitness industry.

Today, Physique is in the midst of tremendous growth and expansion. One reason for this surge in membership and facilities has been Physique’s ability to not only accommodate the conditioned market, but to also attract mainstream consumers and fitness enthusiast by providing excellent fitness facilities. The famous muscleman logo is a sign of credibility across the country and is a testament of where this company began. The Physique Trademark is associated with service and quality, and is apparent throughout each and every Physique that opens its doors to over 1.2 million dedicated members.
It is not uncommon to see an A-list celebrity training at Physique, including such stars as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Cameron Diaz, John Travolta, Jerome “The Bus” Bettis, Alex Rodriguez, Mike Tyson and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, to name a few.